First Name
Last Name
Please rate the Program Learning Outcomes:
Indicate which of the following program learning outcomes you consider to be useful. Select all that apply.
Critical Thinking - Identify, analyze, and evaluate alternative solutions to a wide range of common problems by presenting reliable, valid, and logical arguments.
Business Practice - Describe, analyze, and apply the basic principles associated with accounting, finance, operations and project management, human resources, entrepreneurship, and other core business disciplines.
Writing - Develop skills designed to present responsive arguments in a professional manner using relevant research, quantitative and qualitative data, and sound reasoning
Lifelong Learning and Liberal Arts - Pursue scholarly excellence and translate that discipline to support career, community, and family decisions.
Biblical Literacy - Articulate biblical themes, applications, and historical perspectives that support and reflect a Christian worldview. Adopt Christian principles and the application of those principles to act ethically and morally in the workplace and community.
Computational Literacy - Solve quantitative problems to address practical business concerns, including numerical or arithmetic equations, geometric problems, and data representation.
Public Speaking - Present impromptu and formal speeches, lectures, and discussions using common principles framed by business and academic standards.
Information Literacy - Conduct academic and scientific research, including evaluating the validity and reliability of sources, and applying research to inform and make persuasive arguments.
Creative problem solving - Develop entrepreneurial solutions recognizing varying points of view to create innovative approaches to common challenges.
Which program components (e.g. cohort, advising, career services, etc), courses, and/or core principles of your Oak Valley education do you value most and why?
If you could add something to your Oak Valley education what would it be and why?
How well did your education and experience at Oak Valley prepare you for your current primary activity (job, further education, etc.)?
Well prepared
Somewhat prepared
Somewhat unprepared
Not at all prepared
How well did your education and experience at Oak Valley prepare you for your current primary activity (job, further education, etc.)?
Great value
Good value
Fair value
Poor value
How likely are you to recommend Oak Valley to others?
Very Likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Are you currently employed or in school (if both mark "both")?
Current employer or school:
Position Title
How much do you currently earn?
Less than $17.50 per hour/$35,000 per year
$17.51-$22.50 per hour/$35,001-$45,000 per year
$22.51+ per hour/$45,001+ per year
Date Employment or School Began
How many hours do you work per week?
29 or less
30 or more
Where do you work?
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code