Typical Oak Valley College graduates have worked on more than a dozen real-world projects, developed a full business plan, delivered more numerous professional presentations, and gained more than 3,000 hours of practical work experience.
You will expand your Christian worldview, develop a mature sense of self, and gain a rich understanding moral and ethical leadership.
You will mature into a critical thinker, real-world problem solver, communicator, and compassionate contributor to your family and community.
Any other questions? info@oakvalleycollege.org
You will experience a distinctive, personal, practical, and affordable degree program. In less than three years, you will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Business, having developed problem solving, communication, and career skills. Oak Valley College is eligible, but chooses not to participate in federal student loan programs. Therefore, students who attend Oak Valley do not have federal student loans.
Oak Valley is more affordable than any other bachelor's program...that we know of. Most students pay monthly, about what it costs to own a good used car. Your total cost is likely less than a single semester at most private colleges
You enroll in three semesters each year (trimesters) and complete a total of 128 units. By going to school for two summer semesters, you graduate in less than three years. It is not more work.
There are many advantages Oak Valley College offers:
Personal - Class sizes are less than 25 students. In each course, you receive personal attention.
Christian - Professors care about your spiritual growth and personal development.
Accessible - Graduate with the freedom of knowing that you have spent a fraction of what other colleges charge, thus enabling you to focus on your career and not worry about paying back a mound of student loans.
Practical - You gain real-world experience. Learn it today...apply it tomorrow.
There are hundreds of career paths you may pursue in business, ministry, or nonprofits. Upon earning a Bachelor of Arts in Business, you may launch your career in just about any direction you wish from owning your own business to working in a well established organization. What do you want to do? We want to know, so we can tailor your education to help you reach your goals.
A cohort is a group of individuals tied together by a common purpose. At Oak Valley, you take courses together with a small group of students creating family-like bonds that represent one of the most powerful aspects of your education. Everyone knows your name, and you are never lost. Your professors care about you and your personal success.
Within such a small environment, your individuality really shines. You work on projects that appeal to your individual interests, and your career path is only limited by your own imagination, gifts, and talents. Wherever you want to go, the faculty, staff, and advisors at Oak Valley are here to help you live, learn, and grow in amazing ways.