
The census date is a set by the college and typically marks the end of the add/drop period. On this day, the college takes a "snapshot" of all students' enrollment which becomes the "official enrollment" that is used for both state reporting and financial aid eligibility.

Generally, the classes you are enrolled in AND ATTENDING as of census date will determine the amount of financial aid grant money you receive.

Since all students, typically, are considered full-time, your aid will be based on your full-time enrollment. If, in the rare case, you are enrolled less than full-time, contact financial aid to understand your specific situation.

Since Pell eligibility begins on the first day of classes and is calculated day to day, a student who drops all their classes during the add/drop period (and before the census date) will be considered a Return to Title IV (R2T4). To read more about R2T4, click here.

If you decrease your enrollment level after the census date , your grant aid will not be reduced.  This means, for example, that a student who is enrolled in 16 credits as of the census date, and who later drops a four credit class, will not have his/her aid reduced.  Rather, the aid will remain at the full-time level and for Satisfactory Academic Progress purposes, you will be held accountable for completing a full-time course load.