Dress Code
The Oak Valley College Dress Code is applied in a similar manner to the Honor Code (www.oakvallecollege.org/honorcode). Students, professors, and staff should govern their personal appearance in a manner consistent with this code. When that falls short, it is appropriate for a peer (student to student or staff to staff) to approach the individual in a loving and supportive manner. If that fails to address the concern, an individual may bring the concern to a professor or College administrator to evaluate the situation. Typically, the situation will be addressed, in private after class, event, or workday.
Culture and tradition often dictates how to, appropriately, dress or appear. If you go to a wedding, men and women often wear semi-formal attire. If you work in an office environment in Southern California, you will likely wear California business casual attire.
The general standard or principle that is to be applied when considering dress and appearance is based on the context of what we, members of the Oak Valley College community, are here to achieve - live, learn, and grow within a Christian environment. The following prohibitions and exhortations regarding appearance and attire do not intend to foresee every circumstance. Rather, they provide examples to foster the formation of each person’s conscience. In such matters, it is better to err on the side of caution and formality whenever questions arise.
When to Wear Business-Casual - When making classroom presentations or participating in OVC events, business or business-casual attire should be worn
General - Individuals should be clean and not exhibiting excessive body odor or perfumes (perfumes may trigger allergies when working within confined spaces)
Shorts/skirts - no “short” shorts or mini-skirts. Shorts and skirt length should be close to knee-level
Collars/v-necks - Necklines should not fall more than a few inches below the neck (no cleavage, bare backs, or strapless/spaghetti straps)
Shirts/tops/dresses - No exposed belly, hips, midriff, or shoulders (see through or sheer fabrics should be accompanied by a full undergarment, tank-top, or undershirt)
Shorts/pants - Shorts/pants should be worn at/near waist-level (no exposed undergarments)
Athletic Wear - Spandex, athleisure wear, sports bras, or sweat bottoms that are form fitting or skin-tight may be worn with appropriate covering or when they would be deemed appropriate to be worn within an office setting
Pajamas - No slippers, bare feet, pajamas, boxer shorts, or sleepwear
Branded clothing - No clothing promoting alcohol, drugs, vulgar or sexual content, or tobacco products
Costumes - No costumes (outside of Halloween or sanctioned special events). Costumes, when worn, should comply with the above standards