Request to Restrict/Limit Directory Information
STUDENTS: Use this form if you do not want Oak Valley College to release your address, e-mail or other directory information.
Directory information at Oak Valley College includes: student name; local, home and e-mail addresses; photographs, video or digitized image; telephone number; class year; enrollment status; school affiliation; major field of study; dates of attendance; degrees, honors and awards; participation in officially recognized activities, clubs; high school and other colleges/institutions attended; parent's names and addresses; student work assignments and locations; anticipated date of graduation; and anticipated degree(s).
Please consider carefully the consequences of filing this order. If you direct Oak Valley to withhold information we cannot acknowledge the fact of your enrollment to most parties other than college employees without your specific written consent. The college may not be able to verify your attendance to a prospective employer or other third party, and your name and information may be withheld from certain lists. The college assumes no liability for the consequences of compliance with this order to withhold information about you.
For more information, visit:
If you wish to restrict disclosure of directory information, please check the box below.