High School Partner Package

More students in the Inland Empire need to earn a bachelor’s degree. Oak Valley is positioned to serve your students. To become a partner school you need to:

  1. Promote Oak Valley College by inviting an Oak Valley representative to present on campus to juniors and seniors twice a year in the fall and spring

  2. Identify five students to nominate for the scholarship

That is it. If you think of other ways to partner, we are here to help.


Oak Valley wants to partner with your school to ensure young people continue their education and become the next generation of community leaders. Through a private nonprofit liberal arts education, Oak Valley students become trained and prepare for a life of service.


Once you become a Partner, scholarship recipients receive up to $4,000 ($500 per semester over eight semesters). A separate scholarship application must be submitted by the student and enrollment needs to be completed by May 1 of their graduating senior year of high school.

Formal admission to Oak Valley College and submission of the Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA - www.fafsa.gov) is also required in order to receive Oak Valley institutional aid, including this award. Each student’s aid package is based on scholarships and financial need, including any Federal (Pell Grants) and State Aid (Cal Grants). Private grants and scholarships, including any aid directly awarded to the student, are not factored into a student’s financial need or aid package and may be applied directly to net tuition and fees.

Students must have a minimum 3.0 high school GPA. They are also required to maintain a minimum of 2.5 GPA each semester and be enrolled full-time (16 units per semester). Students who fall below the 2.5 GPA requirement will not receive their scholarship funds for the successive semester. The scholarship may be reinstated once the student has successfully raised the GPA to 2.5 for the preceding semester.


As a Partner, you agree to promote Oak Valley’s scholarship within your school. You may name a liaison, typically a counselor, teacher, or administrator, to work with Oak Valley’s admission team on promotional opportunities, including information sessions, campus presentations, or other communications.

For questions or further information, email admission@oakvalleycollege.org.