Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Federal regulations require that colleges and universities evaluate satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to determine your eligibility to receive financial assistance. SAP standards are defined using both quantitative and qualitative measures as well as a maximum time frame. This policy applies to all students, regardless of whether you are on Federal Financial Aid.
As a full-time student, you must complete a minimum of 12 credits per semester (24 credits per year) to maintain your financial aid. You are provided 150% of time to complete your degree on a full-time basis, attempting a maximum of 192 units over 12 semesters using financial assistance (federal, state, and institutional assistance).
You must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA each semester to remain on financial aid.
Financial Aid monitors SAP three times a year (after each term). Your entire academic history is considered when determining SAP status—not just semesters in which you receive financial assistance.
You have seven years from your start date to complete your degree program, inclusive of any semester(s) you take an approved leave of absence. Per the policy above, you may complete your degree by attempting a total of 192 credits over 150% of the allotted full-time schedule, or 12 semesters at full-time status. Although the 12 credit hour requirement for full-time students is the acceptable minimum standard to receive financial assistance, you must complete an average of 16 academic units per semester in order to graduate within the 100% allotted time designated for standard degree completion.
Oak Valley, as a policy, does not accept transfer credit. However, if you have received Federal or State Aid from another school, it may reduce the maximum time in which you have eligibility to receive some forms of financial assistance. Please consult Financial Aid for details.
If academic credit has already been earned for a course, a repeated course will NOT count towards quantitative minimum requirements or full-time enrollment status (the minimum 12 credits required per term). For GPA purposes, only the repeated course will count in the cumulative GPA.
For the purpose of evaluating SAP, credits for an incomplete course are considered as attempted but not completed. Incomplete coursework is not included in GPA calculations until the incomplete grade changes to a passing or failing grade.
If you withdraw from all courses during a semester, you may still use eligibility towards the maximum time frames for completion.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. Satisfactory attendance is defined as attending 80% of the scheduled class sessions. Failure to attend four class sessions (unexcused absence) or more than 20% of the total class sessions within a course scheduled may be grounds for administrative withdrawal from the course. Failure to attend all class sessions over a two week period may be grounds for dismissal from the College.
If you fail to meet SAP standards for any term, you will be placed on an initial financial aid warning during the following term. A student on an initial financial aid warning will retain eligibility to receive financial assistance through the entire period of the warning.
If you fail to meet SAP standards after your warning term, you will be placed on financial aid suspension and lose eligibility to receive Federal Aid for the subsequent term. Additionally, if you are academically dismissed (disqualified), you will automatically be placed on financial aid suspension. Even if you successfully petition for reinstatement, you must also appeal for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility.
If you are placed on financial aid suspension, you may request reinstatement of financial aid eligibility by completing a SAP appeal using this form. Appeal requests must provide an explanation of the circumstances that contributed to your inability to meet the minimum SAP standards along with a realistic plan for academic improvement. You must meet with your academic advisor to obtain approval of your proposed academic plans before submitting the written appeal.
Appeals must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the end of the term you receive notice. Incomplete or late appeals may jeopardize the reviewing of your appeal in a time frame that would allow disbursement of financial aid, if the appeal is approved.
If the financial aid committee approves your appeal, you will be reinstated on financial aid probation for one semester. The financial aid committee may require that specific benchmarks be reached in order to retain eligibility beyond the end of the semester or year. In all cases, if you successfully complete a semester while on financial aid suspension AND meet both quantitative and qualitative SAP standards at the end of the semester, you will regain full eligibility for financial aid beginning with the subsequent semester (maximum time limits still apply). SAP standards ensure that you are successfully completing your coursework and can continue to receive financial aid. All students receiving financial aid are required to meet SAP standards.
Students will be notified of their SAP status at the start of each term (three times per year). If you, as a student, ever have a question or concern about your SAP, please contact your Academic Advisor or email