Withdrawing from a Course and Late Drop*
You may withdraw from a course, without penalty, before the add/drop date of the semester. No entry for the withdrawn course appears on the transcript. Please note, if you have financial aid, withdrawing in any form, whether for a single course or the entire program, may change your current or future financial aid award (e.g. Pell Grant).
If you withdraw after the add/drop date and before the end of the 14th week of the semester, a “W” grade is entered.
If you withdraw after the 14th week of the semester, he/she receives a final grade reflecting the grade that was earned based on work completed. Unless arrangements have been made with the professor, failure to complete the final exam/project may result in a failing grade (F) for the course, regardless of whether the student’s overall scores may merit a higher grade.
Leaves-of-Absence and Withdraw from the Program
Students in good standing may take a leave-of-absence for one semester by notifying the Registrar or Dean. Students on leave are eligible to continue their studies without being readmitted to the College. When a student returns to the College, he/she should contact the Registrar for registration no later than four weeks prior to the semester.
Students who wish to withdraw permanently from the College or plan to be absent for longer than a semester should submit a request in writing (FORM BELOW), or email the Registrar or Dean. Students wishing to return to the College after withdrawing must consult the Registrar and petition the Dean for readmission. Students must adhere to the graduation requirements in effect at the time of readmission as outlined in the current Catalog.
*If you have Federal Financial Aid, withdrawing from a course or program or taking a leave of absence, may impact your Aid and your balance due to the College.
Withdrawing from course(s) or Program
In order to officially withdraw from Oak Valley course(s) or the program, please acknowledge that you have reviewed the following items.