Progressions @ Oak Valley

Progression - the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state. In writing, quantitative literacy, theology, and career planning, Oak Valley students move through choreographed learning progressions to build core competencies for their personal, professional, academic, and spiritual future.

At many colleges and universities, progress is largely independently directed through the selection of beginning, intermediate, and advanced courses. At Oak Valley, the progression is tightly managed and built through successive courses.

This helps students develop prescribed skills that are tailored to where the students are in the program (e.g. freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior). These steps, or progressions, help faculty design their curriculum and teaching to meet students at their current level and push them to move further in the progression so they move up and on to the next step in their development.

This purposeful process also allows Oak Valley to effectively manage student learning and skill development far more precisely than conventional college or university systems.

In the end, this greatly improves student success, retention, and graduation. It is one of the many distinctive features of Oak Valley College.


Fall 2023 Retreat


Class of 2023